                                2007年 4月號 True Spiders 真蛛目蜘蛛專輯

Spiders and Their Astonishing Survival Techniques


Care and Biology of a Tropical Wolf Spider, Lycosa erythrognatha

熱帶狼蛛Lycosa erythrognatha之飼養與生態

Introduction to the Biology and Care of Certain Species of Wondering Spiders of the Genus Cupiennius


The European "Tarantula", Introduction to the Genus Lycosa in Western Europe


Index of Species and Poster, Montivipera xanthina

品種與海報,鄂圖曼蝮蛇Montivipera xanthina.

Care and Captive Breeding of Forster's Tortoise, Indotestudo forstenii

西里貝斯陸龜Indotestudo forstenii之養殖

Looking for Macanches in the Dry Forest of Peru. Part 1. Other aninmals Found Along the Way.

在祕魯叢林尋找爬蟲,Part 1, 陸上遇到的其他爬蟲類動物

Care and Captive Breeding of the Gidgee Skink, Egemia stokesii stokesii

刺尾石龍子Egernia stokesii stokesii的飼養與繁殖

Care and Breeding of Budgett's Frog Lepidobatrachus laevis

小丑蛙Lepidobatrachus laevis的飼養與繁殖

Profile of Extinction, Tantilla albiceps

滅絕檔案,巴拿馬白頭蛇Tantilla albiceps

Book Reviews: 1.Anaconda    2. Singing the Turtles to Sea  3. The Systematics and Zoogeography of the Amphibia of Borneo.

書評:1.森蚺  2. 唱龜出海,墨西哥土著的爬蟲藝術與科學  3. 婆羅洲兩棲類的系統與分佈.